Monday, August 9, 2010

Madeline pictures

It's been a good first few days with Miss Maddy. She's a great puppy. She actually slept through the night last night, or maybe we just didn't wake up. At any rate, she was dry when she awoke at 5:30 this morning. Madeline has learned her name, will come when I call her, can sit and is pretty quiet in her crate. She has moments of being feisty, but most of the time is pretty calm. She has puppy breath.

She has shown more interest in the other animals in the house, but isn't obsessed with any of them. Ardella is jealous, but also wants to play with Madeline. We took Maddy on a short walk tonight and Lyn carried her most of the way. However, when we put her down to walk a little bit, she hesitated and Ardella barked at her and tried to get her to follow, which she did. Aidan could care less about Maddy most of the time, except he would like to take her toys. The cats are okay with her.

Madeline learned to go downstairs today. She was quite hesitant at first, but Aidan went ahead of her and showed her how to do it. She looked at a stair for a long time after he had gone down a few steps, and then just started going down like a pro. I just love her!

Here are a few pictures I've taken. I'm still feeling a bit sleep deprived to write much.

Madeline posing

Madeline holding leash

Favorite spot to rest

Stop taking my picture!

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