Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Scavenger Hunt Swap Questionnaire

*Do you knit or crochet? How long have you been at your craft?
I knit and have been seriously knitting for about 5 years. I learned to knit as a child, but never did anything challenging.

Do you spin? What type of spinning do you do?
I do spin and have 2 spinning wheels. I've never gotten the hang of a drop spindle.

Are there any other crafts that you participate in?
I used to do cross-stitch and still like some patterns, but time is short and I'm mostly doing knitting.

What are your favorite yarns/fibers?
I love Berrocco, Classic Elite, Rowan, Elsebeth Lavold yarns/merino, merino blends, cotton and cotton blends, silk and silk blends.

What are your LEAST favorite yarns/fibers?
*Red Heart acrylic yarns/100% acrylic.

Are there any types/brands of yarn that you are dying to work with but haven’t gotten a chance?
*I'll come back to this.

What are your favorite types of projects to knit/crochet?
* I've done a lot of socks and still enjoy them, but lately I've been loving hats, especially Wooly Wormhead hats. I'm also very attracted to cardigans without a lot of buttons.

What are you currently working on? Anything you plan to start this autumn?
* I'm working on 2 pairs of socks, some fingerless gloves, a cotton/linen vest, and a hat or two. I plan to start a sweater this autumn.

Are their any knitting/crochet techniques that you would like to learn?
* I keep saying I want to learn color work and there are a few hats and mittens in my queue that might be easy to begin.

Do you have a yarn winder and/or a swift?
* I have both.

Where/how to you keep you needles/hooks?
* Stuffed in drawers and bags. I'm hopelessly disorganized!

Do you collect anything?
* coffee cups, coasters, pens, stationary and note cards, note pads.

What is your favorite type of music? Are you MP3 ready?
* Celtic, alt country, folk music, international music. I have a nano, if that means MP3 ready.

Do you like sweets? What are your favorites?
* Nips (hard caramel candy), Jordan almonds, cookies, hot chocolate, toffee, chocolate covered almonds and cashews.

What is your living situation like? Any pets? Children?
*I live with my husband and 1 adult son (other son and 1 daughter are out on their own) but live locally. I have 1 Cairn terrier named Aidan, 1 career-changed Guide Dogs for the Blind yellow Lab named Ardella, and 1 12-week-old GDB yellow Lab named Madeline. I also have 3 indoor cats named Theo, Mischa and Willow, and one outside feral cat named Emma. I have 3 foster kittens with colds for the next 2 weeks and then who knows how many more kittens I'll foster this year.

Are you allergic to anything?
* I have some sneezing with adult mohair, but love kid mohair and silk. I can't abide cigarette smoke - it triggers migraines.

Do you have an online wish list (Amazon, Etsy, Loopy Ewe, etc.)? Please include links for your swap pal.
* I have Loopy Ewe and will have to work on Amazon. I'll provide those before the swap starts.

Is there anything else that you would like your pal to know?
I look forward to getting to know you!

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