Tuesday, August 24, 2010


I got an e-mail this morning from my leader stating that in spite of the new food that Kristin was changed to, she still relieved too frequently to go into formal training, so she's being career changed. I know we all did what we could do for Kristin, guide dog training just wasn't meant to be. It doesn't bother me so much that she was career changed - it's KILLING ME that I can't adopt her. I know she'll find a good home, GDB does a wonderful job placing dogs, but I'm still sad her home can't be with me.

Madeline is growing and we are loving raising her. She's almost 12 weeks old! Her personality is really coming through and she's got a feisty side. Still, she's quite responsive to redirection and correction. It would probably help if I didn't laugh at some of her antics (like taking the small amount of water in the food bowl and tossing it in the air). I'd have more pictures if I'd remember to take a camera that had a charged battery. I'll try to get some up this weekend.

She did not do well on the new Natural Balance. I'll wait a few more months before transitioning her again.

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