Friday, January 18, 2008

Oh Happy Day!

Well, it was bittersweet, actually. I got a coveted spot in the Loopy Ewe Sock Club lottery, 100 spots available with over 500 people submitting names for those spots. I never win things, but I don't usually try to. I felt bad for the people who didn't get in. I really thought I'd be the one congratulating others and not the one shouting out my excitement. I feel very fortunate and hope everyone else trying for a spot will get a chance one day. I get one more year after this one and then I go back into the lottery, which is fair. I didn't put my name in for the Loopy retreat because I wanted to do the sock club instead. Again, I'm fortunate and plan to really enjoy the club this year. It's mostly solid sock yarns with some fun designers.

I also joined WoolGirl's sock club. She's local and the club members have been very enthusiastic about their sock club kits. The purpose of joining the clubs is to limit my sock yarn consumption. That's it for clubs though. Two is all I can handle.

Lyn has put together the IKEA Markor book shelf we got with the Christmas money my parents sent us this year. I'm going to be cleaning the craft room and putting books on the shelves this morning. This will now make the "craft" room the library/craft room, which it was originally supposed to be. When the room is organized and clean, I'll post a picture and say Thank You for our Christmas present.

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