Friday, January 11, 2008

Tornados and Texas

We had a tornado yesterday. It was quite interesting. I had no idea we were having tornado watches. For one thing, who expects tornadoes in Washington state in January?! I heard lots of thunder, my internet connection was cut off, and this dog, Shane, kept trying to get into my lap (see below).

My son Kevin lives in the area where the tornado originated, and my other son Tim was driving in the area right after the tornado hit, oblivious to the fact that one was in the area. Fortunately, no one was hurt, but the debris, fallen trees and unroofed sheds along the 5-mile path the tornado traveled is proof we had one.

What does this have to do with Texas? Well, my daughter and her boyfriend may be moving there. All I can say is, if the tornado impressed them, and they move to Texas, they haven't seen anything yet! Other impressive things to keep in mind: Scorpions and snakes! Obviously, I don't want them to go. If there are other "announcements" about this move, I haven't heard them yet, but I'll keep family informed.

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