I went to spinning group on Tuesday evening, the first group I've been to since October. I had such a nice time. It was hard to leave and go back to work. We learned how to spin silk. J gave a talk about silk as a fiber and then demonstrated cocoons and all the different forms of silk (Tussah, wild, etc), and how to spin caps, bells, and combed silk roving. We then got to practice. I spun a cap and some of the colored roving. I definitely preferred the roving, but was mesmerized by how long I could stretch the cap to make a thin roving. It certainly spins thin, but I didn't like all the lumps and bumps and tugging and pulling. The combed roving was effortless to spin in comparison and I loved seeing the color. J gave me some roving to practice at home and there is talk of starting a silk study group. Oh how I wish I worked days! Next month we are learning about llama and alpaca (I certainly won't be bringing more of that home).
One of the women in the group now sells fiber from Ashland Bay and she brought fiber to class. I bought 16 ounces of pink merino. I can't wait to start spinning it! Here's a picture of the silk and merino:

I plan to spin more this year and Loopy Ewe has started selling roving. I bought 3 packages of Sakina fiber from there last week. They're each 4 ounces and I think I need to buy 4 more of each in order to have enough for socks or scarves.

I finished the ISE angel scarf for someone who didn't receive a scarf from her partner. It's Eugen K. Beugler's Streaming Leaves Lace Scarf pattern. He's a good friend of my knitting teacher, Betsy McCarthy and Betsy thinks I should send him a picture. I knit the scarf with Rowan Felted Tweed and liked knitting lace with it.

In the package I'm including the Edgar scarf I knit this Christmas with Noro Silk Garden Lite. That was a fun scarf. The pattern is from Knitty, I think Fall 2005, but I'll have to double check that.

The ISE5 package goes out Saturday morning. I hope she enjoys the contents.
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