Saturday, April 12, 2008

Spring Fling Coffee & Yarn Swap Topic #2

Question #2
"Since some of us are beginning to see glimpses of Spring, while others are still getting snow, have you changed what projects you are working on? Have you put away the hats, scarfs and mittens, and brought out the cute tank top sweater projects and lacy wraps? Have you changed yarn to something lighter and cooler, not so heavy and bulky?"

This spring my knitting is being limited to a scarf for the International Scarf Exchange 6 swap and to a sock I'm knitting for a store demo. I knit a lot of socks and scarves and since these are small, portable projects I tend to knit them year around. If I was knitting a sweater, I'd probably knit with cotton or something suitable for warm weather like a short-sleeve sweater or lacy wrap.

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