Wednesday, April 2, 2008

April Fool

I fell for the Julia Roberts joined Ravelry on April 1. With all the silliness today I didn't catch on until I saw books on Fabio displayed in book queues of everyone's book collections and came to the conclusion that I couldn't believe very much of what I saw on Ravelry today! Yes, I am gullible!

Lyn and I got to have our anniversary celebration. We went out to eat at Thai Orchid and got dessert at Rose's Deli (Death by chocolate and Mocha torte). We left enough Thai food for leftovers on Monday.

Don't anyone in my family faint from shock, but I was rather caught up by the Davidson-Kansas college basketball game. I really don't like sports very much and look at big game days as a guilt-free way to shut myself up in my craft room and knit. I do like underdog stories though and my 2 brothers and father all graduated from Davidson. Curry played very well until I came downstairs and watched the last 12 minutes (meaning last 1-1/2 hours) of the game. Tim informed me he only scored when I wasn't watching, so it's that Davidson didn't win the game. Sorry family.

I'm knitting a lot, but have started some swaps and can't say anything until recipients get what I'm knitting.

Oh, and my sister started a blog called Bringing it Down. She and her husband are getting rid of their swimming pool and are trying to redesign the space. Go read it and feel free to give advice!

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