Friday, October 23, 2009

Rainy Dogwalk Friday

I got a taste of what dog walking is going to be like for the next 6 to 9 months! It was raining hard when I woke up this morning and drove to the humane society. There were 3 walkers - 1 person took the green pod and 2 of us did the orange pod together. There were tons of dogs. I lost track of how many I walked. I had 2 escapees, 5 dogs who wore harnesses, and 1 dog with diarrhea who relieved in a perfect square around me. That took a long time to clean up. I was drenched when I got home despite wearing a hoodie, raincoat and rain hat. I can see that I will need to buy rain pants, too.

My two right middle fingers have been hurting a lot lately - I'm worried about carpal tunnel - so I went to see the volunteer coordinator to see if I could not walk dogs with harnesses. She had a cat in her office named Marsha. I've been looking at Marsha on the website and at the shelter since I started volunteering. Marsha is getting kennel crazy and depressed. The VC has started keeping Marsha in her office for part of the day so she can get out of the cat room. The VC recommended that I foster Marsha and I really liked that idea. She's been at the shelter since May and is a beautiful young calico cat. She came to the shelter with babies, was fostered until the babies became adoptable, and now is waiting for a home of her own. She tends to be chosen as a potential cat, is always a #2 choice and so gets overlooked a lot. Her foster parent said she had no trouble with other cats or dogs, so I put in papers for fostering after I got home this afternoon. I was told by the foster coordinator that they'd call me this afternoon. I'm really hoping to bring her home today or tomorrow for a few weeks.

So... I lasted a month. I really have a hard time resisting cats. I am not adopting her - just fostering. There is a difference, right? : )

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