Monday, October 19, 2009

Vacation over

Alas, all good things come to an end. Vacations are always too short and first days back to work are the worst of days. I'll spare you all the boring details.

After coming home, we just hung out at home. I went to Stitchcraft and bought a sweater pattern for some yarn and I knit a lot. I walked dogs on Friday, had lunch with my club leader to plan dinner for an outing at a pumpkin patch this coming weekend, read a lot (The Given Day - best book I've read this year) and just enjoyed being with pets and family.

Ardella and Aidan have been enjoying one another most of the time. Here they are in a rare moment of being still:


Ardella goes to see the trainer on Wednesday and we'll decide where to go from there after the session.

It looks like I'll be puppy sitting 1 or even 2 Golden Retrievers towards the end of the month. That will be new and should be tons of fun.

Finally, a friend put this clip on Facebook and I felt I needed to share. While playing it both dogs went bonkers thinking there were fighting cats in the house. Enjoy!

EDIT: I forgot to add the most important information. We got the adoption papers for Ardella on Saturday- she's now officially our pet.

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