Thursday, October 1, 2009


"Tomorrow, Tomorrow, I love you tomorrow, you're only a day a way!"

Went out for a forbidden toy splurge today. Also came home with some food samples and pumpkin blueberry treats. I'm going to be driving up north tomorrow and will coming home with 2 dogs - Ardella and Phineas. I'm not keeping Phineas, but since I'm driving up that way I might as well bring home another career changed dog. What an adventure!

I've been reading more about dogs and language and checked out this book from the library on calming signals that dogs give to one another. I tried yawning, lip smacking, blinking, and head turning with McCoy and all these things seemed to calm him down a little. He actually yawned back. I'm actually more interested in using these things with Ardella, but out of curiousity thought I'd try them out on McCoy. It's a fascinating book whether I use the techniques or not.

So, until tomorrow, goodnight!

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