I confess, I didn't think Ardella would remember me, but she did. She looked very alert as I approached her, her tail started thumping and wagging against her crate, and when Michele handed me her leash, Ardella darted out of her crate and jumped on me, then jumped on Keri. It was a sweet reunion! There is a picture of this - but I left the camera with Keri and have to get it back. I'll add it when I do.
It was a quick trip up to Seattle and back, and Keri and I stopped at a rest area to secure the crate Phineas was traveling in, and to relieve and water the dogs. We got home by 2:30, and dropped Phineas off with Amy whose dog Boomer was so excited to see Phineas again. Apparently he had been missing him. Phineas knew when we were approaching his house - he sat up at exactly the place Amy told me he would sit up.
When we got home, Ardella seemed to know who she was. We drove into the driveway at the same time a group of middle school girls saw Ardella and they rushed up to see her. She was excited to see them, too. Once in the house Ardella saw Aidan and they had a grand chase and romp in the back yard. She ran all over the house, up the stairs, jumped on my bed, jumped off, and ran down the stairs again. She remembered toys, her bed, where the food was, the area of the room where she was fed, where the blueberries had been, the neighbors - it was like she had never been away.
I took Ardella to The Animal Enrichment Center to fit her for a Martindale collar and picked up an antler and some chicken treats for both the dogs. I've asked for a consultation with Megan-Kate, the head trainer, just so I can figure out 1) if we need to work on stress issues, and 2) to see where to start with classes for Ardella. Everyone at the center seemed to have a good impression of Ardella. She was very friendly and calm.
I think Ardella is a calmer dog that she was when she left us, and that could be due to her being spayed. She also gained a little, so I'll be feeding her just a cup of food twice a day now. I may up it to 1-1/2 if we are exercising a lot.
Ardella has yet to meet McCoy - he's at a sitters. I'm waiting for him to return - possibly tomorrow morning and then hopefully I will have my camera back by then and can take some pictures.
It's so good to have Ardella home. My daughter wants me to change her name, but at this point I don't think I will. She'll always be Ardella to me, but I can call her Della if I want to since she can now have a nickname.
Edited: I got the camera back. Keri and Ryan managed to take this picture and I can't help but think they're trying to give me a message!
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