Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Blooms in March

Yesterday, I managed a few minutes outside to take pictures of the yard before the rains came down. I don't know how many of my family members read my blog (i.e., I don't think my mother reads this anymore), but these pictures would mainly be of interest to them, so scroll by if you don't want to see.

Plum Trees are in bloom. The development company that built this neighborhood planted these flowering trees in every yard. For a month out of every year we have gorgeous pink blossoms lining the street, which quickly turn into "pink snow" and then brown slippery slush. The leaves turn a plum color and the trees get overtaken by insects and sickly looking plums. Nevertheless, I love the blossoms and they're at their peak right now.

Under our plum tree, we've planted bulbs and ground cover.

On the island in the front yard, tulips are still coming up, but the flowering currant is just starting to bloom.

At the front door we have primroses in pots (and that's as political as I'll ever be in this blog):


Lenten roses (hellebores):

Bulbs on the south side of the house:

Akebia that has taken over the entrance to the back yard gate:

Potted plants with daffodils and violets:

And heather:


An early clematis on the backyard fence:


A struggling forsythia with more blossoms this year than last:

That's just March. There's more to look forward to and I plan to give monthly updates.

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