Friday, September 11, 2009

Getting McCoy

Lyn took videos of me getting McCoy. In the beginning I'm telling him "It's not Ardella." There was an older puppy in one of the first kennels that was visible from the puppy doorway. It looked EXACTLY like Ardella and I was a little upset that I was looking at Ardella in a kennel, not able to pet her. It sort of took away from the anticipation of getting McCoy. Fortunately, it wasn't Ardella and I was able to enjoy the happy occasion of receiving my puppy.

The things you forget about young puppies! I didn't remember puppies sleeping so much or having to do business every 20 minutes. I also didn't remember why doing business in the backyard where there are a lot of pine cones was something we gave up early with Ardella. There was a reason for moving to the cement driveway that could be swept off and hosed down. I am so in love with this puppy though! His fur feels like velvet and he follows me everywhere. We did the first recall exercise with McCoy tonight and he got so excited. He doesn't know his name yet, but that's coming along. The kibble helps!

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