They were just a little bit late today. Lyn and I arrived at 11:50 thinking that if we only had 10 minutes to wait we'd be in good shape. However, we found that the truck wouldn't arrive until 2 or 2:30, so we left campus and went out to eat at a nice Italian restaurant in Gresham. We arrived back about 1:30 and Amy drove up about the same time. We went into the kitchen/receiving area to look at the blackboard and found Ardella's and Phineas's names in the kennels. They are both leaving today to go north to our CFR. Phineas also happened to come into the kennel and he and Amy had an unexpected and emotional reunion. I didn't see Ardella, but was so tempted to ask to do so.
Outside we waited with other club members and about 2:30 the truck drove in. They started handing us the puppies out in the parking lot, along the grassy area. I was the last to get a puppy, but did get the chance to see other club members receive puppies. Amy got Josh, Pam got Dublin. I got McCoy and the name really suits him. He's a Bingham/Alanis puppy, so he's Ardella's half brother (same father). He is very, very active! Here he is getting his first drink of water.
He likes to put his feet in the bowl and splash. He also has been playing since we brought him home. He runs, he doesn't walk. He was quite squirmy on the way home and only started falling asleep as we got off the Interstate to get on the main street to our home. I'll have more pictures, maybe even short videos of us picking McCoy up, but I have to feed the boy and show him the rest of the house. He just peed on the floor, bounced in it and barked. I think we're going to be raising a dog with Personality!
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