McCoy's favorite place to lie on hot days has been over an air-conditioning vent. He's had some hot days here, but that's changing, thank goodness! Fall starts tomorrow and I can't wait! My favorite time of year!
After Friday's workout walking dogs, I was pretty sore on Saturday. We didn't do a lot, but we did go to graduation on the Boring campus. I saw Anna there and she had Avani for a brief period of time. Avani has been career changed and was leaving for California that afternoon. I didn't get a chance to take a picture, but I did say goodbye. We've been saying a lot of goodbyes to this litter. It's sad, but I'm sure the ones who have been career changed will be excellent pets.
McCoy drew a crowd as he was the youngest puppy there. He seemed subdued by all the big dogs but it helped keep him still. Though he had to go out frequently to be relieved, he didn't have any accidents and was either in a lap or lying down calmly chewing bones. The big dogs were interested in him too, especially the toys he was chewing. Two pictures of McCoy's first graduation (it was fun even though we didn't know any of the dogs or raisers).
I came home and went and bought a book by Brenda Aloff called Canine Body Language: A Photographic Guide Interpreting the Native Language of the Domestic Dog. I looked at this last year on the recommendation of Leslie from MARS and have always wanted the book. I looked up the sections on stressed dogs. Interestingly, the sign isn't the tail, it's the face and when panting a stressed dog has a spatulated tongue, while a tired and hot dog's tongue hangs out to the side of the mouth and the face has a relaxed look. Whatever, it's an interesting book that I think I'll find helpful with any dog activities I happen to be doing, especially in social settings with other dogs. It was expensive, but I got a little extra for working Labor Day.
I'm reading 3 books now and had to put 2 on hold because #3 is a library book. I've joined 2 Ravelry swaps - Loopy Ewe 5 and an international shawl exchange. The time lines are long, thank goodness. I have a yen to knit. I always do in the fall. I am struggling because Oregon Flock and Fiber is this next weekend and I can't go because we have to go to a puppy class at the Oregon GDB campus. This is a sacrifice, let me tell you! I work Sunday - I can't go at all!
I've been working with McCoy to teach him his name, to walk on a leash, and to come when I call him. Handling has been a struggle and McCoy HATES it. He often growls and bites, especially when collar corrected (does not seem to like the surprise of the neck-collar correction) but he actually settled today and I'm hoping we get over this soon. When I leash and collar correct him, McCoy is more responsive and doesn't protest so much vocally or with his teeth. My leader told me about a video she has where it took a long time to settle a German Shepherd puppy. She is suggesting I view it and then work with McCoy as long as it takes for him to accept being handled. He is a handful! It's a good thing he's cute!
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