Friday, September 4, 2009

Good News Friday and 6 Days and Counting until P Day

I am still receiving Baby Boy "A" and after keeping Virgil for the last few days, I'm so thrilled! I can't wait to raise a male puppy! We'll be getting 3 new male puppies in the club (we have a lot of female puppies).

I talked with one of my leaders today about Ardella. We will be saying goodbye after she has been with my CFR for awhile. There was a concern that we shouldn't cause Ardella more stress by having her see us again and then leave us so close to having made a few transitions. If she is career changed, we still get a choice to keep her. However, we're hoping that after my CFR works with her, she can still make it to advanced training. I'm happy with this plan.

I LOVE Virgil. He's such a good boy! We went out for coffee with Karren and Annalynn today and he was well behaved. Karren and I switched puppies for a walk we took and I felt like I was with Ardella again. I sneaked in a kiss on Annalynn's nose and felt like I was giving Ardella a kiss goodbye. It was good therapy.

I forgot to add this, but I have good knitting news, too. The newest Loopy Ewe sock club yarn is Wollmeise. It's been a long time since I bought any Wollmeise and I'm excited about getting this upcoming package.

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