Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Happy birthday, Ardella!

Ardella then, on her first day with us at 9 weeks of age:

Ardella sleeping

To a year ago, shortly after coming home to stay for good with us:


To today:

Ardella now

From Guide Dog puppy in training to beloved pet, it's been a wonderful 2 years. I feel lucky to have Ardella in our lives!

We didn't celebrate today, but Ardella and Annalynn are having a party on Friday. I'm baking a dog-friendly cake, Karren is making a carrot cake for the humans. I spent the afternoon shopping for cake ingredients like organic chicken babyfood, brown rice flour, and applesauce. Alas, Madeline can't have any, so she probably won't get to go to the party.

More birthday pictures to follow on Friday!

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