Sunday, November 7, 2010

MARS stars

I got a note from Leslie of Mini Aussie Rescue and Support about 4 of the dogs she has in rescue that were in movies this summer: Marley and Me 2 and the new Reese Witherspoon movie. Dogs for Marley and Me 2 were Dexter, Buddie and Harley. Dexter was considered brilliant, Buddie did agility and was filmed inside a tunnel, and Harley was too nervous on the set to be in the movie.

Comet was in the new Reese Witherspoon movie and is in a scene where he's on a grooming table at a shelter having just been brought in as a stray. I saw the trailer for this movie yesterday but I can't recall the name of it.

It's killing me to post this next part, but my husband has said no and my puppy club leader would not approve. However, somebody who reads my blog might be interested or know of someone who would be interested. Dexter and Comet are available for adoption. The people who trained them felt that Comet has really good potential to be a therapy dog as he is gentle, small and loves everyone. Dexter would be a great demo dog for a trainer and would make any trainer look brilliant. Leslie said he has mild separation anxiety but it could be managed by a knowledgeable person.

As far as Marley and Me 2 goes, I will go to see the dogs, but I'm a little skeptical about the talking dogs with Australian accents (Aussies are not Australian dogs).

This video is going around like crazy on Facebook. I'm impressed because it's a terrier and it just goes to show what the power of positive reinforcement techniques can do. Since I can't have my MARS star, I'll see what I can do with Aidan.

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