Saturday, November 6, 2010

Movie day

Lyn and I have wanted to take Madeline to the movies for some time and had plans to go see Secretariat as that was the only movie we could imagine seeing (it was an awful summer for movies). Lyn gave me a time for Secretariat that didn't appeal to me, so I started looking at movies playing in the area and low and behold good movies are out again! The puppy club is going to be going to a movie as a group in a few weeks and we'll be going to a second-run movie theater, so the chances of going to see something like Secretariat are good (children will be going). Therefore, we decided to go see something more sophisticated than Secretariat and went to see Hereafter with Matt Damon.

It was a long movie (a little over 2 hours) and I think probably wasn't the best choice for Madeline's first movie, but we both liked it and I recommend it. It's the story of 3 people whose lives have been touched by death, one a woman who has had a near-death experience following a tsunami, the second (Matt Damon), a man who has a gift of connecting with the dead after his own near-death experience as a child, and the third a young boy whose brother is killed. It's like reading 3 different short stories, but all the stories connect eventually.

Madeline got very restless during the movie, but she wasn't trying to eat anything off the floor. I think the outing with the club will be easier if the movie is shorter.

I have a list of about 3 movies that I want to see now, and that's the longest list I've had in several years. For Colored Girls, The Town, and Conviction are at the top of the list. Lyn won't go see The Town with me, so I may have to wait for that to come out on video or go see it alone.

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