Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Plugging along

This is Lyn's teaching day and therefore my give into cravings for dinner day. I went to Whole Foods Deli (Woops - first time in a long time, I swear) and came home with 2 bags of frozen okra, 2 containers of Brussels Sprout salads, and a new coffee. I love Brussels sprouts and no one in the family does, to my great disappointment. Now, what to do with the okra?!

I just learned some good news and some bad news - the good news is that I may not have to work Thanksgiving. The bad news is that if I do, the shift all but guarantees I don't get to eat dinner with my family. I'm hoping I get out of holiday work this year!

I bought a step counter yesterday with a new goal of trying to walk 10,000 steps a day. I took 2 separate long walks with Ardella and Madeline this afternoon and went to the store and walked on the treadmill for 7-1/2 minutes during lunch break. I'm almost there, but have about 2500 steps to go. Either this counter doesn't work well or I'm humbled by how little I move during the day.

I'm getting brain freeze with topics for this 30-day thing. I may give myself 3 separate days off from posting since I've had 3 days with 2 posts.

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