Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Taking a Dare

My sister responded to my post yesterday by telling me about a more interesting fitness gadget called GoWearFit that she has been using. This device measures steps, calories burned, time exercised, and how many hours you actually sleep at night. She also said that when she started measuring how much movement she did in a day, she was shocked to see that she was averaging around 4000 steps a day, so I guess my counter was accurate after all. There is another device called a BodyBugg that does everything the GoWearFit device does except measure sleep. I think I'm going to ask for one of these for Christmas instead of an e-reader since an e-reader will keep me sedentary.

Ann also told me about this site called Livestrong where you can sign up for all kinds of "dares". I'm interested in
fitness challenges, so signed up for the Walk 20 Minute a Day Dare. I was also motivated to look up my local Volkswalk association so I can start doing more interesting walks than walking on a treadmill. Portland/Vancouver often gets top 10 walking city recognition and I'm looking forward to discovering the area on foot.

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